Full sun
Deep purple, exceptionally sweet fruits for eating fresh, juice, and jelly. These grapes are self-pollinating and are seeded; they ripen late September, but a nice fall frost sweetens them up.
Approx. 25 seeds per packet (0.75g)
Seeds benefit from cold stratification: Soak seeds for 24 hours, then germinate in a moist, airtight container and place in the fridge for 1-3 months (Dec-Jan for Northern hemisphere). After 3 months, bring to warmth using seed mat for two days, then transfer to soil. Keep soil damp but not wet, and allow 16 hours of light per day. Seedlings will emerge in 2 weeks, but could take up to 2 months.
Growing grapes from seed requires patience. Plants can take 2-5 years to produce fruit.