Full sun/Part Shade
A cherished heirloom, this hardy herbaceous perennial displays a robust, climbing nature (6-9' height) with large clusters of mauve flowers on strong-winged stems. Ideal for trellises, walls, and fences. A relative of the annual sweet pea and an excellent cut flower. Also known as Perennial peavine, Perennial pea, Everlasting pea.
15 seeds per packet
*Sweet pea plants and seeds are mildly toxic. Exercise caution around children and pets*
Direct sow outdoors 6 weeks before last frost. Plant seeds 1/2" deep, 2" apart. Cover well - darkness is required for germination. Thin to 4". For indoor starting, pre-soak seeds for 24 hours, 4-6 weeks before planting out (seedlings are not damaged by frost). Germination in 14-21 days. Trellis support is required.